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Food and Drink

Courtesy of

Manly Deeds Womanly Words

"A wonderful balance of masculine and feminine flavors, and it’s also the Maryland State motto dating back to 1874. This cocktail packs a manly sucker punch that’s sneaky—hidden by all those pretty floral and herbal tones."

¾ ounce Smith and Cross Rum

¾ ounce Buffalo Trace Bourbon

½ ounce lemon juice

½ ounce Amaro Montenegro

½ ounce honey syrup (recipe below)

dash Post Prohibition Pick Me Up Bitters

dash Angostura bitters

2 ounces Green Flash West Coast IPA


For the honey syrup:

2 cups water

2 cups honey

1½ teaspoons cloves

1½ teaspoons black peppercorns

1½ tablespoons chamomile flowers

For the cocktail: Add all the ingredients to a shaker tin, except the India pale ale (IPA). Shake with ice and strain into a 10-ounce snifter or tulip glass. Top with the IPA. Garnish with a thyme sprig.

For the honey syrup: Cook the cloves and black peppercorns on medium-low heat in the honey and water for 15 minutes. Add the chamomile and cook for 5 minutes. Strain and let cool. Bottle in a sterilized bottle.